WeTip News
See the latest news in WeTip relating to criminal activity obtained from an online and telephone crime reporting hotline.
Anonymous WeTip Info leads police to arrest three Inland Empire suspects on Drug Charges
Rancho Cucamonga/Fontana, CA…WeTip, The National anonymous crime reporting hotline has received several case solving tips that led to multiple arrests and convictions in the Inland Empire. Three separate tips have led to three separate drug related convictions.
Case # 628438- suspect Martin Stovall, 57, of Fontana charged with 1 gram of Heroin with a street value of $300.
Case # 642239-suspect Matthieu Tiekamp, 31, of Rancho Cucamonga who was seen and admitted to illegally selling Marijuana . Thanks to this anonymous informant another drug dealer is off the streets.
Case # 635609- suspect Jeffrey Duesenberg, 32, of Fontana charged with possession of Heroin and a paraphernalia warrant.
All of these cases resulted in a drug related arrests and convictions because an anonymous tipster gave case solving information. The informants in this case did not request rewards for their information, they simply wanted to increase safety in their communities,
WeTip has aided law enforcement authorities in taking over 1,300,700 crime reports resulting in over 16,000 Crimes solved. All calls and webtips to WeTip are absolutely anonymous. No one ever knows who gave the tip.
WeTip has been serving the Nation as the Grandfather of all anonymous tip programs for over 46 years. Live operators staff the phones 24 hours a day 365 days per year. WeTip has no taping, tracing or caller ID. WeTip also offers rewards of up to $1,000 when information leads to an arrest and conviction. If you have information about any type of crime, call WeTip at 800-78-CRIME to report illegal or suspicious activity or log on to wetip.com. All calls are anonymous, not just confidential.